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Annual General Meeting 2015

Invitation to attend the


Annual General Meeting 2014/2015 on

Friday 13th November 2015 at 8pm at PBC


An important event for the future of our club – please put aside the date


Call for nominations for Chairman, Treasurer and Directors for 2015/16

Nomination forms to be provided by 8pm on 6th November 2015


Dear Member / Supporter


Thanks for your continuing support of the club and being part of one of Sydney’s quiet success stories.  Pokie free since 2007 the club continues to provide a space where all different parts of our community can meet, eat and enjoy themselves in the simple ways that a community club can provide. 


We invite you to be present at our AGM where we will discuss the year just past and the vision and challenges up ahead. 


While the PBC is now financial stable it is still very dependent on active involvement from its members and increasing participation and engagement with the local community continues to be our key focus.


Board Elections

An important piece of this is to encourage members to take an active role on the board. It is a rewarding experience to be part of the board. Further information on the AGM and nomination process is attached.


Remember the club will not continue if new people do not come forward.  Rejuvenation is a crucial sign of a healthy club and an indication of support for the PBC. 


All positions on the board are up for election at the AGM. You need to be a Life, Bowling or Associate member to be able to sit on the board or vote on club matters. So please ensure your membership has been renewed since 1st July this year.


We look forward to seeing you at the AGM. 


Rob Chowdhury


On behalf of the PBC Board

George Catsi (Chairman), Kath Reynolds, Daniel McCulloch, Adam Shapiro, Eric Bellingham, Simon Caples & Pip Hall.

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