Street of origin.

Team registration.
Our beloved Streets of Origin comp is finally back on and it's going to be bigger than ever this year with fun prizes and your chance to have your name engraved on our Kath Reynolds perpetual shield which was made in honour of lifetime member and valued PBC community member, Kath Reynolds and will be displayed year round for all to see.
Teams will face each other for 8 rounds over the night and face off teams will swap each week. Scores will be recorded on our official board and tallied at the end of each week. Our overall winner to be revealed on the last round in the 6th week.
What's the team name theme? Petersham streets of course!
Grab a couple of member mates and register!
Teams: 2 to 4ppl - Kids can play with parents
Dress code: Fun & on team name theme
Time: 6pm - 9pm
1st - $100 bar tab & your name on the Kath Reynolds perpetual cup shield as our 2024 Streets of Origin winner
2nd - $50 bar tab
3rd - $25 bar tab
Best outfits - Jug of beer or bottle of PBC wine
Terms: Gotta be a member of the club to enter and in it to win it!