Dark Beer & Fire Nights

Our 2025 Dark Beer night dates are:
MAY: Friday the 30th
JUNE: Friday the 27th
JULY: Friday the 25th
AUGUST: Friday the 29th
What's the best thing about winter?
The beer of course. And winter is here! Come celebrate with us at The Petersham Bowling Club from 5 pm on the last Friday of the winter months as darkness falls upon our beer taps...
From Browns to Barley Wines, Smoked Porters to Pastry Stouts, Old Ales to even Older Ales, our taps will be pouring the delicious dark goods, showcasing an array of local and national breweries.
And if this smorgasbord of tastiness isn't enough for you don't fret as there will be many other tasty drops to imbibe. Talking scotch, creamy winter cocktails, and mulled wine and delicious cider....
The kitchen will be in full swing with some special treats for the nights.
Still not sold? The fire will be a-cracklin' outside to ease those nervous summer bones into the most sumptuous of all the seasons...
Enjoy winter properly this year at The PBC with dark beers, mulled things and a fire!